Mulch Sale


Mulch Sale

The annual Woodson Mulch Sale has arrived.  Freshen up your flower beds and support the Woodson High School Leadership and Sports Leadership Classes at the same time.  The Leadership Classes are once again offering high quality shredded hardwood mulch for purchase. 

Orders for 3-cubic foot bags of mulch must be received by Thursday, March 13, for pick-up at Woodson or delivery to your home on Sunday, March 23.   When placing an order for 10 or more bags, delivery is an option.  All mulch will be delivered on Sunday, March 23, beginning at 8:30 AM.  

The proceeds benefit the Woodson High School Leadership and Sports Leadership Classes and support their activities. For more details or for an order form, please check out our web link or print your own order form.

This year you can also order and pay on-line at MySchoolBucks.  

Need more info?  Send an email to Dan Schaefer

Wheelbarrow full of mulch sitting on grass in front of flowers.