Class of 2027 Sophomores

Welcome to your Sophomore year!

Underclass Pictures - Victor O'Neill

Makeup/Retake Day will occur on October 11th. 

Please visit: and use your student ID when prompted for the online code.

For questions regarding school pictures please email: @email


The original School Picture Day occurred on Monday August 26th & Tuesday August 27th 2023. 

Sophmore Class Administrator 



Show Your Cavalier Spirit!

Family Connection

Family Connection is a comprehensive website for high school students and their parents. It's an excellent resource for students who make academic plans, college, and career decisions. Family Connection is linked with Counselor's Office, a service used in our school counseling offices to track and analyze data about college and career plans. We encourage you to use this valuable tool.

Taking High School Courses in Middle School

The FCPS Secondary Grading and Report includes information about the impact of taking high school courses in middle school on a student’s academic record. It includes information on expunging grades and grades earned during the summer session.  See Request to Expunge High School Courses taken in Middle School for more information.