Math and Computer Science

Math Department Staff

The department chair for Math is Kate Wright.

The department administrator for Math is Kathy Martin.


Math Course Offerings

The Math Center

Need help understanding your homework? Finding out where you went wrong on a test? Comprehending what you learned last math class?  Math Center is here to help you! Stop by the Math Center Bulletin Board at the upstairs intersection of A and B Hallways to learn about new mathematicians every month, or check your math knowledge with the SAT problem of the month. Want to find out who the tutors are? Head on over to the Meet the Tutors page.

Students  can find the Math Center link at the top of the CAV KIOSK. We are open during 5th period lunches and 5th returns. We are also open after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3-3:45 pm. All sessions are in B208, just look for the flag in the hallway. We’re excited to help you with math!

Computer Science Department Staff

The department chair for Computer Science is Doug Oberle.

The department administrator for Computer Science is Kathy Martin.


Computer Science Offerings