Student Services
Our Vision
- Students of Woodson High School will be responsible citizens and engaged lifelong learners who are college and career ready. With an inclusive mindset, Woodson students will be committed to being strong advocates for themselves and others in the community. Students will be resilient in overcoming barriers, enabling them to be productive and healthy members of the global community in the 21st century.
Our Beliefs
- All students possess a unique set of gifts and talents that will enable them to become college and career ready.
- Student developmental needs are met by providing appropriate supports so that they are able to further their abilities to be contributing members of society.
- School counselors advocate finding equity within the school systems to ensure all students are provided with equal access to opportunities.
- Student engagement to achieve is most effective when counselors, students, director of student services, administrators, clinicians, career center specialist, teachers, staff, parents/guardians, and community members are actively involved in the planning, managing, delivery and evaluation of the comprehensive counseling program.
- Data allows counselors to formulate programs based on the needs and interests of our students while assessing what programs are working well within the comprehensive counseling program and what areas need improvement.
- Adhering to ASCA’s ethical standards ensures that the needs of individual students are being met while creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all students.
Our Mission
- The mission of the Woodson High School counseling program is to address the academic, career, and social emotional development of all students, and prepare them to be productive, culturally aware citizens and life-long learners. School counselors collaborate with other educators, parents/guardians, and the community to ensure access and equity for all students, and create an environment where all students achieve, value learning, and appreciate inclusion and diversity.
Our Services
- The school counselors, psychologists, social workers, career center specialist, parent liaisons and the director of student services support the school beliefs through student services department programs and activities. The department offers individual and group counseling, educational and career planning, consultation with parents and staff, informational programs and activities, identification and support of students with special needs, crisis intervention/problem solving, and referrals to community agencies.
Woodson Student Services was awarded the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) designation for 2018 from the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) for successfully demonstrating how our comprehensive school counseling programs benefit all students.

Frederic Peters
Administrative Assistant: Debbie Glover | 703-503-4623
Department Administrator for: Student Services, Assessment, Cafeteria, Graduation
Although all counselors and student services professionals will meet with parents and students on a drop-in basis, this sometimes is not possible due to prior commitments. To ensure that your needs are met in the best fashion, an appointment is encouraged. Students make appointments by leaving a “pink slip” (available at the guidance suite entrance) in the counselor’s door mailbox. Parents/guardians make appointments by calling the counselor’s direct phone line or through email. Parents who wish to meet with a specific teacher should contact the teacher directly.
When to Call
For concerns about a specific course, such as questions about grading or information about homework, the course teacher should be the first contact. For assistance with other concerns related to school performance or the well-being of a student, consultation with a school counselor is appropriate and encouraged.
The College Board Code for Woodson is 470788. The College Board Test Center Code for Woodson is 47-300.