Advanced Placement (AP)

Pam Todd - AP Coordinator

Jamie Korpacz - AP Exam Coordinator

Kathleen Crosson - School Assessment Coordinator 

What are AP Courses?

AP Courses are Advanced Placement Courses whose curriculum is determined by the College Board.  These courses have an exam that can be taken at the end of the year and depending on how the student scores colleges may give credit for taking it. 

Therefore, these courses are college-level courses taught in high school. These are great opportunities for students to explore a subject they are interested in, learn skills that help them succeed in college, and determine if they want to study something in college.

AP Courses do require more work and time than Honors Level Courses. Also, some AP Courses are equivalent to 3 College Credits and others are 6. If you are not sure how much work is involved, talk with the teacher who teaches the course, or your counselor, or click on the course link on the Collegeboard website.

*Note - if you are in the AAP program at Frost Middle School, AP is not related to the Fairfax County AAP program. They are not the same thing and students are not automatically signed up for certain courses in 9th grade based on AAP status in 8th grade. Please talk with your student's counselor at Frost if you have any questions.

Woodson AP Courses

Advanced Placement (AP) courses meet a prescribed syllabus developed by the College Board. These courses represent college-level study. Woodson offers coursework to prepare students for more than twenty AP exams. 

AP Courses are open to all students at Woodson. However, students must make wise choices based on their time availability and what courses best suit them. Please refer to the AP Expectations to learn more about what students can expect from each course throughout the year.

Woodson AP Course Offerings

Note:  As with any advertised course, the decision on whether to actually operate the course is dependent on having sufficient enrollment and qualified staff. Each link will provide information about the course and exam from the College Board.

New to AP? Look over our Frequently Asked Questions to be sure you understand what makes an AP course unique.

AP Exam Accommodations:

Students who qualify for accommodations in their classes may qualify for accommodations during AP Testing. All accommodations must be approved by the College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).

College Board approval is required for every student - even those who receive accommodations in their classes. To check if your student may be eligible, refer to the College Board Page on eligibility. 

Students who have already been granted accommodations on the PSAT and SAT will have the same accommodations for their AP Tests. 

It is the family's responsibility to initiate this process - not the school. Please look at the following steps. 

1. Choose the accommodations.  Refer to the website to determine which accommodations your student would like to request on the College Board Website.

2. Complete the Student/Parent Consent Form for Accommodations Request. Forms are also available at Student Services desk. 

3. Submit the consent form, along with the list of the specific accommodations being requested, to Mr. Karl Kerns.