Vocational and Technical Training

Questions to ask and available options


  • How many students does the school train?
  • What programs does the school offer? Are they right for you?
  • How is the school accredited? Is it good enough for what you want?
  • If work experience or an internship is required for certification/licensure, what organizations does the school work with? If the school has no relationships with any organizations, you may not be able to obtain required experience.
  • What is the school's pass rate for certification/licensure?
  • What is the school's placement rate? What percentage of their graduates have jobs in their area of study within 6 months of graduation?

Licensing and Accreditation in Virginia

Council for Higher Education Accreditation

Know and understand accreditation before selecting your post-secondary education.


The State Council for Higher Education for Virginia maintains a list of all schools licensed to do business in Virginia. It also shows the school's accreditation and links to the school, programs, and accreditating agency..

U.S. Department of Education Information and Database of Accreditation

Federal Department of Education database of accredited postsecondary institutions and programs. Be sure the school you wish to attend has the accreditation you want and will need when it comes time to get a job.

Broad Curriculum Options

Career and Technical Education in FCPS

Discover what career and technical education is available in Fairfax County Pubolic Schools. Excellent preparation and even certification is available.

FCPS Academies

High School students must apply and be accepted into these excellent, focused programs. Certifications available for many programs. (scroll down on the page to read about programs) See your counselor.

FCPS Adult Education

Apprenticeship classes, Certificate programs, & Workforce/Group Contract Training

Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC)

Many options for Associate Degrees & Certificates: Programs