School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year.

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance 2023-2024

Woodson High School, Region 5
Kevin Greata, Principal

Special Education Mathematics

Goal: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, Woodson High School students with disabilities (SOL takers) will increase the annual SOA pass rate from 70% to 75% for math (SOL takers).

Strategy 1
Strengthen differentiation by designing and implementing effective scaffolds.

Strategy 2
Monitor student data and use data to determine need for intervention and additional support.

Strategy 3
Increase student course success through Tier 2 interventions


ESOL Access and Opportunity

Goal: By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, 90% of the Woodson High School English Learners with LEP level 1-4 enrolled in advanced courses (HN, AP, DE) will succeed in the course with a C- or higher grade.  In addition, the percentage of students with LEP level 1-4 enrolled in an advanced course for the 2024-2025 school year will increase from 25% to 30%. 

Strategy 1
Improve student engagement through consistent rigorous and relevant learning experiences.

Strategy 2
Monitor student data and use data to determine need for intervention and additional support.

Strategy 3
Increase instruction that focuses on student growth rather than meeting minimal proficiency standards.


Portrait of a Graduate Presentation of Learning (POGPOL)

Goal: By the end of SY23-24, students will participate in POG POL through advisory, with scores entered into RUBI.

Strategy 1
Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content.

Strategy 2
Students will create a portfolio of POG artifacts in Schoology.

Strategy 3
Students will complete self reflections quarterly in their advisory classes and POG POL rubrics will be entered in RUBI at the end of the year.